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30 Million Would Agree That The Workplace Can Be Very Toxic

Summary: Despite recent advancements in corporate profits favoring the top 1%, technological innovation, and changes in work dynamics, one might expect people to enjoy more family time, increased income, abundant resources, and greater workplace satisfaction. However, this is often not the case. This article will cover recent data on workplace toxicity and the steps to take to address it.

The State Of Hiring 

To start, looking for a job is where the stress can begin for those who have been out of work for a long time. The rise of ghost jobs in recent years can be a source of frustration for potential employees and a way for companies to gauge how replaceable employees could be. 

A "ghost job" refers to a job posting for a position that either does not exist, has already been filled, or is not actively being recruited for. Companies might post these listings for various reasons, such as to create an illusion of growth, to gather a pool of potential candidates for future needs, or to maintain a facade of active recruitment to boost employee morale or meet legal requirements.

  • Ghost jobs can also mess with data collected on employers' job listings. 

Justin Marcus is an experienced recruiter, CEO, and co-founder of Big 4 Talent, an accounting and financial recruitment platform. He has extensive knowledge and experience in the hiring and recruitment industry. 

He had the following to say on ghost jobs (Observer, 2024), and I found it interesting: 

"In truth, there’s not much out there to protect job seekers regarding ghost jobs. Marcus said they flagged the fake job his wife got to the actual company, but beyond that, no governing body oversees these kinds of things (p. 8)."

Again, with free reign to make the rules, every aspect of the hiring process favors employers, not employees. A third party would be an excellent accountability system for unfair hiring practices by some companies.   

Morgan Sanner, a resume writer, suggests that job postings that have appeared multiple times recently might be ghost jobs. This could happen if the job is offered at a lower-than-market rate and the company can't find anyone to fill it, leading existing staff to take on the extra work (Underwood, 2023).

Tips to Combat Ghost Jobs:

  1. Check Posting Frequency: If a job has been reposted multiple times recently, it might be a ghost job.
  2. Review Posting Duration: Job postings active for more than 30 days could indicate a ghost job, as the company might leave it up for future needs.
  3. Research Layoffs: Use resources like Layoffs. FYI, see if the company has had recent layoffs, which can signify ghost job listings.

Job seekers should also consider how long a job listing has been active. If a posting has been up for over 30 days, it might be a ghost job, potentially left up for future hiring needs.

Additionally, recent layoffs at a company can be a red flag. Sanner advises checking Layoffs. FYI, to see if the company has laid off workers recently, which could indicate that the job listing could be more genuine. 

Imagine finally getting hired and coming from struggling to find work. This one aspect alone could bring toxicity into the workplace due to the added stress of looking for work.

30 Million Workers Believe The Workplace Is Toxic

When you finally get hired, it is a great feeling and inspiring. Knowing you can pay your bills when they are due and hold yourself together financially feels good. However, once you begin working, many are simply unhappy. 

Business Insider mentioned that 30 million US-born workers believe their workplace is toxic (Nolan, 2022). With that much discontent, many seek self-employment, which can be good if you are an independent contractor.  

Low-paying jobs could be a significant part of workplace dissatisfaction. Low-paying jobs significantly contribute to worker dissatisfaction. According to a Pew Research Center survey, employees quit their jobs in 2021 because of low pay, lack of advancement opportunities, and feeling disrespected at work

The survey found that 63% of workers who quit cited low pay as a significant reason for their decision. This dissatisfaction is particularly prevalent among those without a four-year college degree, who often need more opportunities and higher wages in their employment​ (Parker & Horowitz, 2024).

  • Black (15%) and Latino(18%) populations occupy the lion's share of the lower-paying job positions (National Equity Atlas. n.d.).

Since Black & Latino populations are affected most by lower-paying job titles, the solution to this toxic workplace could be increasing the resources available to those with lower-paying job titles. How about a program that helps them not have any significant student loan debt and helps them land a better-paying job, like a paid training program that pays out more as you progress and stick with the program? 

Even if something happens and you can't continue on and leave the program, there are still other options to help you secure the skills to land something that pays better. 

This idea could help many people who are frustrated with their current situation. There has to come a point where something is done.  

According to Nolan (2022) of Business Insider, an MIT research report mentioned: 

"Toxic workplaces are not only costly — they are also common. Our research on large U.S. employers found that approximately 1 in 10 workers experience their workplace culture as toxic, an estimate that is in line with other studies" (para, 7).
So, how do we move forward from here? 

MIT Sloan Managment gave three reasons  for toxic workplace environments: 

  1. Failure to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion
  2. Workers feeling disrespected
  3. Unethical behavior
Failure to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI):  There needs to be true diversity, equity, and inclusion addressed in today's modern workplace. The issue is that 22 states are eliminating their diversity, equity, and inclusion programs (Bolstad, 2024). Diverse workplaces can lead employees to feel supported and represented. The argument against DEI is that it is racist towards others, but I can't find the data that proves it will hurt, damage, or do such. 

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the workplace are not only beneficial but also critical for organizational success. Research from McKinsey shows that companies in the top quartile for ethnic and cultural diversity on executive teams are 36% more likely to outperform those in the bottom quartile. This highlights the significant positive impact of diversity on profitability and performance (McKinsey & Company, 2024).

Additionally, InStride reports that diverse companies are 70% more likely to capture new markets, and those with diverse management teams see a 19% increase in revenue. These statistics underscore the importance of having a diverse and inclusive workforce to drive business growth and innovation (InStride, 2024).

Workers Feel Disrespected: Respect is a major thing with me, and training that gets co-workers better connected with each other will help organizations. For starters, I recommend a pre-shift meeting when there is new staff, and allow everyone to introduce themselves and get to know each other. Also, announcing pet peeves or things that irritate you can help others to know your limitations. Teaching current hires and new hires about employee conduct can make a difference. My recommendation for positive change is to create scenarios based on employee surveys that employees can act out. This can help simulate things that are irritating to them and help avoid chaotic situations. 

Unethical Behavior: One complaint I notice with many people is that they don't like how others are sitting on their phones while they work hard, which I experienced. Another unethical behavior is treating others better than other employees, which can breed contempt for one another. Bullying is another issue to be addressed early and often! I'm going to address this specific issue very soon. Managers must view the complaints and address the troublemakers quickly; they will eliminate your best, brightest minds. 

"You need ethical people in the right position for ethical results." Brian
If you want better results with work relations, you must ensure your ethical, natural-born leaders are in leadership roles. If management has accountability for treating new employees, you could be looking at a better situation. 

Again, respect is everything; nobody wants to be talked down to, bullied and treated less than anybody else. If the mindset shifts to making your new cooks feel respected just like your veteran cooks, you will see more stability in hiring. 

What are your thoughts on what could heal the toxic workplace? 


                      Bolstad, E. (2024, June 16). The backlash against DEI spreads to more states. Louisiana Illuminator.                     

                                  Dixon-Fyle, S., Dolan, K., Hunt, D. V., & Prince, S. (2020). Diversity wins: How inclusion matters. In    McKinsey & Company.

          Diversity in the workplace statistics to know for 2024 | InStride. (n.d.).

          'Ghost jobs' are on the Rise—And they are hurting more than just job hunters. (n.d.).

          National Equity Atlas. (2020). Working poor. Retrieved from

          Nolan, B. (2022, October 9. 30 million US workers think their workplace is toxic. According to research, here are the 3 main factors causing toxic work cultures. Business Insider.

          Observer. (2024). Ghost jobs: What they are and why they are hurting job seekers. Observer. Retrieved from

          Parker & Horowitz. (2022, March 9. Most workers who quit a job in 2021 cite low pay, no opportunities for advancement, and feeling disrespected. Pew Research Center

          Sull, D., & Sull, C. (2022, September 28. How to fix a toxic culture. MIT Sloan Management Review.

          Underwood, K., & Underwood, K. (2023, January 30. What are ghost job postings, and how can you avoid them? Market Realist.


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