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How Bad Workplace Experiences Lead To A Lower Tolerance Rate

Summary: Negative workplace experiences, including harassment, discrimination, excessive workloads, and lack of recognition, significantly impact employee morale and tolerance. Supported by data from the APA, EEOC, and Gallup, this article explores how these factors decrease employee tolerance rates. It highlights workplace stress, persistent discrimination and harassment, and the importance of recognition. The discussion emphasizes the need for stress management, inclusivity, and recognition programs to foster a healthier work environment and improve productivity.


Workplace environments are crucial in shaping an employee's professional and personal life. Unfortunately, negative experiences in the workplace can significantly impact an individual's tolerance and overall mental well-being. 

These adverse experiences, ranging from harassment and discrimination to excessive workloads and lack of recognition, can profoundly affect employee morale. This article, supported by credible data, explores how these factors contribute to decreased employee tolerance rates. 

Increase in Workplace Stress and Its Impact

Workplace stress is a prevalent issue that significantly affects employee tolerance levels. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association (APA), "workplace stress remains at a concerning level, with 77% of workers reporting work-related stress in the last month. Furthermore, 57% indicated experiencing negative impacts due to work-related stress" (American Psychological Association, 2023).

Here are a few graphs to visualize some stress points workers are battling.

More than half have negative impacts due to stress: 

High-stress levels, often resulting from long hours, pressure to meet deadlines, and complex tasks, can erode an individual's patience and tolerance, leading to burnout. As stress accumulates, employees may find it increasingly challenging to effectively manage interpersonal relationships and workplace demands.

Many (78%) in the survey mentioned Micromanagement was an issue they did not like. Most people just wanted to do their job without interruption or nitpicking at little things.  

The Role of Discrimination and Harassment

Discrimination and harassment are persistent issues that drastically reduce tolerance levels in the workplace. A study by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reveals half of employees have experienced retaliation on the job (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2021). 

These experiences not only affect the immediate victims but also create a toxic environment that diminishes tolerance for all employees. The stress of navigating such environments can lead to decreased job satisfaction and increased turnover rates, indicating a broader impact on organizational health.

Lack of Recognition and Its Effects on Employee Morale

Recognition in the workplace is essential for maintaining high morale and tolerance. A Gallup poll highlighted that employees who feel they need to be more adequately recognized are twice as likely to say they will quit in the next year (Gallup, 2024). 

"According to Gallup's analysis, only one in three workers in the U.S. strongly agree that they received recognition or praise for doing good work in the past seven days " (para, 2).

Lack of recognition contributes to feelings of undervaluation and insignificance, which can decrease an individual's patience and tolerance for workplace challenges. When employees do not see a direct correlation between their efforts and rewards, their engagement and ability to tolerate stressors diminish significantly.


The data suggests a correlation between negative workplace experiences and decreased employee tolerance. 

  • High stress
  • Discrimination
  • Lack of recognition 

These are not isolated issues but interconnected problems that contribute to a less tolerant and more volatile workplace environment. This decrease in intolerance can lead to several adverse outcomes, including increased absenteeism, decreased productivity, and hostile work culture.

"The overwhelming majority of workers (91%) said it was very or somewhat important to them to have a job where they consistently have opportunities to learn, and 94% said it was very or somewhat important to them to have a job where they get a sense of accomplishment." (American Psychological Assication, 2023, Opportunity for growth section)

Creating a reward system could be helpful to the discussion of healthy workplace environments. Organizations must proactively address these issues to maintain a healthy work environment.

Implementing stress management programs, promoting a culture of inclusivity, and recognizing employee achievements can significantly enhance tolerance levels. Furthermore, leadership training on empathy and conflict resolution can equip managers with the skills to foster a more tolerant and supportive workplace.


In conclusion, negative workplace experiences significantly contribute to lowering employee tolerance rates. The data from APA, EEOC, and Gallup highlight the critical nature of these issues and their impact on workplace dynamics. Organizations can improve tolerance levels and create a more productive and positive work environment by understanding and addressing these factors. Addressing these issues benefits employees and is crucial for the long-term success of any organization.


American Psychological Association. (2023). 2023 Work in America Survey: Workplaces are psychological health and well-being engines.

EEOC. (n.d.). EEOC releases Fiscal Year 2020 enforcement and litigation data. EEOC.                               

           Gallup. (2024, January 12). The importance of employee recognition: low cost, high impact.    


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